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Wednesday, April 6, 2016

ForceBindIP GUI

This is a Fully functional GUI for ForceBindIP from
Allowing for the easy launching of applications using ForceBindIP. 

The application allows a user to easily select the network interface and the program that you want to bind to that device.

The program includes support for Delayed Injection (-i argument) and 64bit application support.

It allows you to save configurations and easily access them in subsequent launches.


  • Easily Select Network Interface
  • Supports Delayed Injection
  • Supports 64bit programs
  • ForceBindIP presence checking
  • Compatible with custom ForceBindIP install directory
  • Supports sending Command Line Arguments to launched Application


The program and source code is available From Sourceforge

Download ForceBindIP GUI

Update: v1.5
Its been a while since I update so I thought I would Give ForceBindIP-GUI some love since its my most downloaded application
I've added the ability to directly add Command Line arguments to the program you want to launch (for instance --incognito for chrome)
Fixes the Default IP being Null if you don't select anything in the Network Devices

Update: v1.4
Fixed Issue where trying to run a saved profile causes a "couldn't run the specified command line".

Update: v1.3
Fixed Saving of install directory (again)
Changed How saved profiles are handled allowing them to be added to the list immediately instead of on restart. (Old profiles will be automatically converted so no worries about losing saved configs)

Update: v1.2
Refixed the issue where the install location of ForcebindIP was forgotten upon restart.

Update: v1.1
Fixed an issue where after restart the program would not remember the user set install location of ForcebindIP.

I make these programs in my free time while studying, so if you like the project or just feel like buying me lunch feel free to send some cash my way.

and lastly if you have any ideas and/or suggestions for ways to improve the program feel free to leave a comment and I'll see what I can do.


  1. Hey, great app. What is the default location it looks at for the ForceBindIP files? I ask this because I've been setting it manually and it keeps forgetting on restart.
    Thanks again for the wonderful app.

  2. Hello Alex.
    The default location it looks at is C:\Program Files(x86)\ForceBindIP
    It's a known issue that it forgets but this was fixed in the latest update (v1.1 on sourceforge).
    If you'd like a pure jar instead of an installer let me know and I'll upload that alongside the installer.

  3. Love this program, but it still seems to be having issues saving the configurations. After changing the permissions to all of the files provided, it then saved two different times, but they both don't open correctly at all. Re-installed still wont save.

    1. Update; reinstalled, gave full permissions. Now when I can save configs. the only way it was possible to do it was save the config, exit the program, and re-run it and the config would be in the drop down menu. However, when saving 2 or more if I try to load the first one I made stats, "could not run command line". when I go to chose the second configuration I made it freezes up the program when I press the load configuration button. Eats up a lot of CPU when it happens.

    2. Hi Matt Black would it be possible for you to paste the contents of your Profiles.ini file as either a comment here or as a ticket on the projects sourceforge page?

    3. Hello Matt try the latest release version 1.3, it should fix your issues note that the ability for saved configs to appear automatically after saving was not previously implemented, but I agree that it was a massive oversight on my part and as such is now implemented and should work :) also note that forcebindip only works with .exe files so attempting to run any other file types through my program is undefined behaviour. latest version should make that more apparent

    4. Hey! Sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Here is this for good measure;

      wow#Broadcom 802.11ac Network Adapter ---.---.--.---#C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe#false#true
      WoW#Broadcom 802.11ac Network Adapter ---.---.--.---#C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe#false#true
      WORLD OF WARCRAFT#Broadcom 802.11ac Network Adapter ---.---.--.---#C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe#false#true

      Now, before when i had 2 saved profiles the first one would load but then i would get an error stating the command line wouldnt work. then when I would try and load a second configuration the program would freeze up and not respond. So I always have to load the configuration no matter what. I'm going to try 1.3 and return to you with the results.

  4. Okay. So I uninstalled and then re-installed 1.3. You stopped the program from crashing which is good. But the saving issue persists. I load the program, put in all the values and then save the config. I then run it the first time and it works perfectly. I exited out of the program to test to see if the configuration saved and worked. I re-opened the program. The load configuration name was in the drop down box but when I loaded it and pressed the run button I got the same, "couldnt run the specified command line".

    WoW#Broadcom 802.11ac Network Adapter ---.---.--.---#C:\Program Files (x86)\World of Warcraft\Wow-64.exe#false#true

    profiles.ini ^

    So now I closed the program and re-opened it to try and save a second configuration. the first time it works after I press the run button and it even looks like it saved in the drop down menu, but when I exit out and re-open it...the second one isnt even there like it hasnt saved at all.

    no matter what, I can load the programs (chrome, and wow64) manually by searching for them in the search files function and they run just fine and the program works perfectly.

    Its just the saved file configurations and the load configurations

  5. i put the dashes where the ip's are because I dont want them public. the program didnt do that

    1. Hi Matt
      I'm really sorry that you keep running into this issue. I will do my best to solve it as soon as possible. Glad to hear that atleast aside from the saving issues it does atleast work for you😊

    2. Hi Matt
      V1.4 should fix your issue.
      Hope it works for you.

    3. Perfection! At first it wouldnt work, so I did what i always do and changed the config/profiles/.jar to have full permissions everywhere....and now it works perfectly. Saves and loads configurations, and then runs them afterwards perfectly. I think windows has a default setting to not give full permissions to certain things by default. (i did this to all previous versions and this version worked perfectly)

      GJ and thank you for your time and effort. this program rocks

    4. Hi Matt
      I'm glad I could solve your issue.
      Especially since it was a major bug on an important feature.

    5. Your GUI is the only one that supports this feature. This GUI is the best thing since sliced bread. Its also nice to see a good developer out there.

    6. Hello Matt.
      Really glad you like it, this was a small program I made in my spare time to get away from using the command line for repetitive commands. And It makes the programmer in me happy to know that it's really helping others too.

    7. Noticed this just now. (i dont use it but...) I was USB tethering from my phone (as opposed to my wifi tethering like normal), just to test it out see if I had better quality. the forcebindip couldnt properly bind the internet to the right applications. I just acted as if it didnt work. The GUI itself worked, every was loaded, saved configurations and everything perfectly. My computer read my ethernet connection and the usb tethering as two different ethernet connections. I dont know if that confused it, but when looking at the options in the GUI it had two different options with two different names like how it should be. I dont think your GUI is at fault here...but something might be wrong with the forcebind maybe?

    8. I'm not sure what's going on here. It should pick them up as seperate connections as they are detected by windows as different adapters. It's odd that it isn't working since force bind should work with USB tethering which programs are having issues? I've noticed personally that chrome tends to ignore binding at time, but I'm really unsure of what the issue might be.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hello. The application will no let me select Hamachi from the network device list only allows the loopback interface. Anyone know how to fix this? I'm attempting to play an oldschool pc game with one of my friends and need program to bind my game with Hamachi IP. Thank you!

    1. Can you see the Hamachi network adapter in your list of network cards? (Got to network and sharing center select change adapter settings and look there)

    2. I'm having the same issue. Both network adapters are listed in my network connections, but only the loopback interface appears on the GUI.

    3. I've been doing some research on this issue and it appears that this is a limitation of the library I am using to retrieve the list of interfaces it appears that virtual interfaces such as hamachi are not listed and there is no way for me to get around that, sorry.

  8. I can't get this to install.

    When I try to run the installer, I get the usual "Allow this program to make changes...?" dialog, but after clicking yes, it just gives me a new dialog titled "Error" with the message "Setup Error -f"

  9. Hi There
    I am only getting an option of "Software Loopback Adaptor" under the network connections. How do I fix this?

  10. Thanks for your great work krazysh01, how can i check the installed version of ForceBindIP GUI on my pc?
    Best regards, Stefano

    1. Ok, it's the latest 1.51.
      Unfortunately GUI doesn't work for my purpose. I should use it to keep going my office lan connection on chrome and on wifi being able to surf web without enteprise control. I think problem depends on disabled dhcp of my enterpise lan, how can i set dhcp on?

  11. I have latest version and it does not save my configuration. People are talking about "permission" but I can't find anything about it? What kind of permission should be given to what?

    1. Hi Omid sorry for the very late reply last year was extremely busy for me at the end.

      If you haven't already can you try giving forcebindIPGui admin permissions so that it can write files in the install directory (go to where you installed the program right click the .jar file and click properties and run with admin permission) if that works go to properties/compatibility and select run as administrator so it can always run like that.

  12. Thanks for your great GUI,
    I've got a problem, save configuration option isn't working, every time when i open the program, all saved configuration disappear.

    1. Hi Amir
      If you haven't already can you try giving forcebindIPGui admin permissions so that it can write files in the install directory (go to where you installed the program right click the .jar file and click properties and run with admin permission) if that works go to properties/compatibility and select run as administrator so it can always run like that.

    2. Thanks for your quick reply
      There wasn't "Run as Administrator" option in forcebindipgui.jar because it's jar file, so i decided to put java.exe and javaw.exe to Run as administrator and it worked.
      Now i got one more problem, i can't save more than one profile.

  13. I also can only save one profile. Does the pc go back to default once you restart or does it rememeber to forcebindip after you set it?

    I'm getting an error message requiring elevated? I have set the .jar to full permissions.

  14. Just a quick question. After installing 1.51, forcedip gui doesn't seem to load. Says unable to locate file. Pretty sure I have java and jre install, so.. no idea why .jar isn't loading up

  15. Hi, this program is very useful, but i have problem saving the configuration. After quitting, the config will lose and i have to reenter everything.
    I follow what above said to grant admin to java.exe and javaw.exe and it now works, but is there any risk to let java to run as admin?

  16. This comment has been removed by the author.

  17. Thanks for this program! As others have stated, I had issues with the config file saving, especially more then one program. I didn't want to grant admin permissions to java.exe and javaw.exe because it might cause any java program to be launched as admin, which isn't good.

    Instead, I changed the permissions on the jar file, profiles.ini file, and config.ini (probably didn't need to do the last one, so may change this back) under those file's Preferences> "Security" tab> "Advanced" button> change owner to "Administrators" (type it in the box at the bottom, then click the "Check names" button) and now it keeps the additional profiles BUT will STILL overwrite the top profile! I just add another program manually but would be great if this issue could get a fix.

    Thanks and Stay safe!
